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Lancaster Area Foster/Adoption Support Groups

When parenting children who are in foster care or were adopted, it is important to have others around you who understand the challenges presented. Matters of the Heart recognizes the importance of community support and we offer support groups at different times and locations so you can gather with other foster/adoptive families and you are not “going it alone.”

If you are a foster parent, talk with your agency about providing financial support towards your participation in the support group

Every adoptive parent in PA is eligible for support through the State Wide Adoption Network (SWAN).  Contact SWAN online at   SWAN 

or by calling 800-585-SWAN

You can request support group services through Pressley Ridge which will cover the cost of attending any of our support groups.  SWAN also offers case management support and respite opportunities.


East Petersburg Location meets at 1987 State Street East Petersburg, Lancaster in the State & Main Building across from the Fulton Bank.  This support group is facilitated by Dorothy Cavalcanti and adoptive mom and previous foster parent.

Dorothy Cavalcanti – 1-484-798-5989 or email:


Dan and Liz Grubb facilitate the adoption support group at Calvary and Wheatland Churches.  Dan and Liz are adoptive parents and Dan is a therapist with Matters of the Heart Counseling.

Wheatland Presbyterian – 1125 Columbia Ave, Lancaster PA

WHEN: 4th Monday of the MonthTIME: 6:30-8:00pmRSVP:

C0-Sponsored by: Matters of the Heart Counseling, LLCPressley Ridge Post Adoption Services  contact: Nicole Commero:Phone #: 717-947-3713 or