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Research Study on Effectiveness of Neurofeedback in the Reduction of Anxiety

Matters of the Heart Counseling is dedicated to providing evidenced based quality therapy.  We are interested in exploring the impact Neurofeedback has on the symptoms of Anxiety.  Our experience thus far has been NF reduces the symptoms of Anxiety and as a result we are interested in formalizing our observations in the form of a research study.  

The purpose of the study is to investigate the benefits of pIR neurofeedback on symptoms of anxiety. To participate, you must be 18 years old or older, seeking mental health services from Matters of the Heart Counseling Services, and be demonstrating moderate symptoms of anxiety as demonstrated on the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item Scale (GAD-7). If you choose to participate, you will participate in the neurofeedback and mental health counseling treatment that you had originally sought at Matters of the Heart, but will be asked to complete scales that determine your level of anxiety every two weeks, during the course of treatment, and for 6 months afterwards.  You also may be chosen to participate in a focus group to describe your experience. Data gathering will take place during the Spring of 2025. Although seeking treatment for anxiety can be distressing, the risks or discomforts from participation in this research are expected to be minimal as we are seeking to be as minimally invasive as possible to your normal course of treatment. 

Possible benefits of this study are increasing the evidence base for neurofeedback, and therefore the accessibility for those experiencing anxiety. Your participation could increase the confidence of others to participate in mental health treatment, as well as increase the evidence base so that treatment is more readily accessible and affordable. Taking part in this research study is voluntary.  

Please contact Carli Weimer, LPC at if you are interested in learning more.