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Dr. Lark Eshelman

Dr. Lark Eshleman

“DoctorLark” Eshleman’s primary focus at Matters of the Heart is to assist the excellent therapists at Matters of the Heart in exploring varying prospective or alternative therapeutic options for discussion and consideration. Lark provides coaching to parents and individuals.  .

“DoctorLark” is a Doctor of Psychology, and former school principal, PA School Psychologist, founder and director of the Institute for Children and Families (ICF) and the About Child Families Foundation (ACT) and creator of STAT™ (Synergistic Trauma and Attachment Therapy), and Traumatized Children: Building Trust©, an internationally used, community-based program for children surviving war trauma. She is author of Becoming a Family: Promoting healthy attachments with your adopted child, one of the earliest books exploring and suggesting healing practices in the adoption process, and has written extensively in Fostering Families Magazine, Adoption Today Magazine, and other publications. She is co-author, with art therapist, Jane Gordon, of Color Me Closer, a therapist coloring book for two.

DoctorLark has considerable experience and/or is certified in the practices of Theraplay, EMDR, Neurofeedback, Trauma Art Narrative Therapy, and other modalities.

Dr. Eshleman has an extensive history of presenting at national and international conferences, and enjoys interactive workshops with clinicians, parents, educators, and other groups. Please contact Lark for her speaking fees.

When not working directly in her field, Lark enjoys spending time with friends, reading fiction, being in nature, and, above all, playing with her grandchildren.

To contact Lark see her website –,  or email her at or call 717-928-4681.